Sermons from July 2016

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July 31, 2016

King and Kingdom: Follow Me

Speaker: Justin Crowe Series: King and Kingdom Passage: Matthew 8:17–23

July 24, 2016

King and Kingdom: The Healing Power of Jesus

Speaker: Series: King and Kingdom Passage: Matthew 8:1–17

July 17, 2016

King and Kingdom: The Authority of Jesus

Speaker: Justin Crowe Series: King and Kingdom Passage: Matthew 7:24–29

July 10, 2016

King and Kingdom: False Conversion or Saving Grace?

Speaker: Justin Crowe Series: King and Kingdom Passage: Matthew 7:21–23

July 3, 2016

King and Kingdom: Rooted in the Gospel

Speaker: Justin Crowe Series: King and Kingdom Passage: Matthew 7:15–20