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Looking back over your notes from this week's teaching titled Broken, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Read Genesis 3:17 and Romans 8:17-22.
Why did God curse the ground for our sin? Do you know anyone who abandoned his or her faith in God after witnessing a tragedy? If so, how do you think that person viewed God?
Have you ever undergone a crisis of faith because of evil? If so, explain what you thought about God as a result.
How does having a small view or a human view of God distort who God is (from our perspective)?
We may not understand why god allows disasters or creates them, but we can trust him because we know he loves us.No matter what we go through, we have the comfort of knowing that God loves us and is always acting out of his goodness. If we really believe that, we are able to trust him with the details of our lives, no matter how difficult.
Read and discuss the following quote.
“God put the natural world under a curse so that the horrors we see around us would become a vivid picture of how terrible sin is. Natural evil is a signpost to the unspeakable wickedness of moral evil.Our hearts are so dull and blinded to the exceeding wickedness of sin. Do you know anyone who feels the abhorrent evil our sin is? Almost no one is incensed or nauseated at how we belittle the glory of God? We don’t see it or feel it.” -John Piper
It is important in the midst of living in a broken world that God and His ways are not broken.
Read each of the following Psalms: 

• Psalm 33:5. How can we see the earth full of God’s unfailing love when something disastrous happens?
• Psalm 36:5. How far does God’s love reach? How can we believe that when we’re suffering?
• Psalm 63:3. How could David value God’s love more than life?
• Psalm 119:76–77. What did David mean when he said, “Let your compassion come to me that I may live”?
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