Never Fails: Proof #1 Election (Part II)

August 24, 2014 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Never Fails

Passage: Romans 9:10–9:13


Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching on Romans 9:10-13 was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you?



1.  Why is the example of “twins” a further evidence of God’s electing grace?

2.  Election, is an act of God before creation in which he chooses some people to be saved, not on account of any foreseen merit in them, but only because of His sovereign good pleasure. -Dr. Wayne Grudem

3.  Why is our intitial response to the idea of election typically one of frustration, saddness, anger, or hatred?

4.  One of the common objections to this theology is...God is mean...God is unloving...God is not fair. Read Ephesians 1. Make a list of the root behind God’s sovereign election. How does this list destroy contradict these objections?

5.  If God is love (1 John 4:8), what might does it mean that God “hated” Esau (9:13)

6.  Who has more freedom God or man? What does Psalm 115:3 and Isaiah 46:9-11 tell us about God?

7.  How does Romans 9 illustrate that God’s election is unconditional?

8.  Jacob did not deserve salvation. You do not deserve salvation.

9.  How does 2 Timothy 1:9 explain how salvation has taken place.?

10.  How should we respond and how can we encourage someone who is wrestling with these passages?

11.  How does God’s election effect evangelism?

12.  How should God’s election encourage worship?

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God Will Complete His Mission (Part 6)

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God Will Complete His Mission (Part 5)

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God Will Complete His Mission