The Death of Stephen and the Death of You
May 10, 2015 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Unstoppable God
Passage: Acts 6–7
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(Please Note: All Mission Communities will be meeting at the Crowe's this week. If you need their address please contact Pastor Justin.)
On Sunday Pastor Eric taught through Acts 6-7 on the Death of Stephen. Was there anything from the sermon that encouraged, challenged, or confused you? What was the major takeaway for you personally?
1. Read Acts 5:17-21. Does God promise success or comfort in our obedience to preach the gospel?
Is there someone or some place that God is telling you to return to a proclaim him again?
2. Read Acts 5:41-42. How do you typically react when you are met with persecution/ridicule/hardships because of your belief in Jesus? Based upon other scriptures, why should we rejoice?
3. Read Acts 7:1-53. What is Stephen really saying here when he chooses those particular OT stories? What is he saying about the temple?
4. Read Acts 7:54-60. Where else do we see the words found in verse 60? When we refuse to forgive others what are we forgetting?
5. Most of the preaching thus far in Acts was done to the Jewish people, the religious. But Stephen was also telling them in chapter 7 verse 53 that they were rebellious by not keeping the law. In what specific areas are you most religious? Most rebellious? How does the gospel speak into each?
6. "Kill sin or it be killing you."--John Owen What is most distracting you from living for Jesus? How can you actively remove that distraction from your life?
7. Stephen saw Jesus with him even in his death. Share any situation that you are currently or have ever had trouble seeing Jesus. How can we as your church family help??
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