1 Peter 4:1-6
November 1, 2015 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Saturate: The Gospel Everywhere
Passage: 1 Peter 4:1–6
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1. Looking back at your notes from this week's teaching on 1 Peter 4:1-6, was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you? What was the major takeaway for you?
2. Ephesians 6 tells us that we are continually at war with powers of this world. Our armor for battle is not physical shields and swords. What other scriptures give us direction on how to equip ourselves for this battle?
3. What are some specific/practical ways to fight this battle? Use scripture to back up your examples.
4. Does fighting this battle include engaging in debates or 'picking fights' with non believers who disagree with us? Why or why not?
5. Read 1 Peter 2:16 and Galatians 5:13. How do these scriptures speak against our tendency to follow the crowd?
6. What are some practical ways we can strive to make following Jesus more appealing than sin? How can we grow to hate sin and love Jesus?
7. How do these truths help us to worshp Jesus, make disciples, and multiply?
More in Saturate: The Gospel Everywhere
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