King and Kingdom: Blessed are the Pure in Heart
February 28, 2016 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: King and Kingdom
Passage: Matthew 5:8
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What from this past Sunday's teaching particularly caught your attention, encouraged, challenged, or confused you?
1. How does Jesus' answer to "how am I to be saved" differ from the Jewish answer? How does it differ from the world today's answer? Why is Jesus' way so much harder?
2. Do your actions ever not reflect your true heart? Explain.
3. What are you seemingly paying more attention to than you should in your life? Why is it easy to allow these things to steal our affections?
4. Read Romans 12:2 and James 4:4, in what ways are we as Christians conforming to this world? How do we go about transforming/renewing our minds?
5. Matthew 5:8 describes none of us.
Jeremiah 17:9 describes all of us.
How does this still give us hope?
6. Read Matthew 5:29-30, how does this apply to what Jesus is saying here in Matthew 5:8?
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