Illuminated In Christ
March 4, 2018 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: In Christ Alone: The Life and Church Christ Builds
Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23
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1.Pray and re-read Ephesians 1:15-23 (If possible listen to the sermon again).
2. In looking over your notes from this weeks sermon what was the most important truth from God's Word? Was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged or confused you? Any questions?
3. Sunday we discussed the Holy Spirit illuminating scripture to us by God’s grace. Many times this can happen in a fresh new way even when we are reading familiar scripture. Would anyone like to share a way in which God has done this recently while reading the Word or a time when God has illuminated a scripture in a fresh, new way that stands out to you?
4. Knowing about God and knowing God are two different things. Think of the difference between looking through binoculars versus looking through a telescope and how much farther you can see. We should desire the telescopic relationship with God. Read Psalm 42. Do you pant for knowing God this way? Why or why not? How can we as an MC foster this desire in each other?
5. Biblical hope not only desires something good for the future; it expects it to happen. And it not only expects it to happen; it is confident that it will happen. There is a moral certainty that the good we expect and desire will be done.
- Hebrews 6:9-12
- Romans 5:1-5
- Titus 2:11-14
- Titus 3:4-8
- 1 Peter 1:13-21
- 1 Peter 3:14-17
How does seeing and savoring God more give us this hope? How does having this blessed hope keep us from sin, empower our obedience, and strengthen us in our affliction?
6. Many times hope causes us to look forward, or at least it should. Read Hebrews 11:23-26. How is looking forward to our reward not selfish? How should we use the settled fact of our inheritance to drive us to live today?
7. Imagine Paul was writing a letter to Mission Church. What would he be encouraged by? What would he be discouraged by and tell us we need to improve?
More in In Christ Alone: The Life and Church Christ Builds
November 25, 2018
A People of PrayerNovember 18, 2018
Spiritual Warfare (Part III)November 11, 2018
Spiritual Warfare (Part II)