Exodus 15:1-21: Sing
May 9, 2021 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Exodus
Passage: Exodus 15:1–21
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- Re-read Exodus 15:1-21. If possible, listen to the sermon(s) again.
- Looking back over your notes from this weeks sermon (or the past few weeks in Exodus) what was the most important truth from God's Word? Was there anything that particularly caught your attention, challenged you, or confused you? Any questions?
- “All of life is worship.” What do you think of the idea that literally every moment of life is spent worshipping something? How can you back up your stance with scripture?
- With the thought that we are always worshipping something in mind, read Romans 12:1-2. How have you been guilty of compartmentalizing your life into religious and non-religious categories? How can you begin to see life as one category and that single category being worshipping Jesus?
- The reasons given on Sunday as to why we sing:
-to glorify God and his attributes
-to remember what God has done
-to remember who we are/our own identity
-to point to what God will do
Which of these was not something you had considered before in singing or choosing worship songs to listen to? Is there a danger in focusing too much attention on any one of these? If so, what is that danger?
- Read Matthew 12:34, Luke 6:45, Ephesians 4:29, and Colossians 3:8. How do these verses all fit together in what was preached on Sunday?

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