Exodus 25-30: God Dwells

November 7, 2021 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Exodus

Passage: Exodus 25–30

1. Reread Exodus 24. If possible, listen to the sermon(s) again.

2. Looking back over this sermon and this sermon series, how has God convicted your heart, stirred your affections for Jesus, drawn you closer to Him? How has the Word challenged, confused, or made you ask questions?

3. God asks us in his word numerous times to give generously of our time, talent, and treasure. Why does he ask this of us when, in reality, he does not need anything from us? Second, why do we find ourselves giving begrudgingly sometimes? More specifically, what is it that we are missing when it is not a joy to give?

4. The tabernacle was designed to physically and visibly place God at the center. Too many times we are guilty of placing other things where only God should be. What are you personally most prone to place at the center of your life and why?

5. Colossians 2:6--”Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith…”

What does it mean to receive Christ? What does it mean to walk, not just with him, but IN him?

6. When someone rightly says that Jesus is in you and with you what does this make you think of? And more importantly, why is it so hard to believe at times? How can we remind each other regularly of this truth?

More in Exodus

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