Maturity In Christ
February 27, 2022 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: Fight The Drift: A Study of 1 Corinthians
Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:1–9
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1. Reread 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. If possible, listen to the sermon(s) again.
2. Looking back over this sermon and this sermon series, how has God convicted your heart, stirred your affections for Jesus, drawn you closer to Him? How has the Word challenged, confused, or made you ask questions?
3. As a maturing Christian, what “sins of infancy” do you or have you struggled with? Is there anything in your life that you look at and think “really? Still?” What does this say about your faith and salvation?
4. What does it mean to mature in your faith but also to have childlike faith? Reconcile what these two thoughts mean.
5. Read Ephesians 2:5-9. Now read James 2:14-17. How do these things NOT contradict? How would you explain to someone who thinks they are saved by their works based on reading James?
6. Which seems harder and why?
To pursue Jesus
To trust God to bring growth

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