It doesn't matter if you are a big human or a little human, we are all called to make disciples who make disciples. At Mission we take the discipleship of our children very seriously. Here, children receive the same love and respect as their parents, just as Jesus modeled when he demanded that the children be allowed to come to him. When Jesus took a child in his arms, he said that whoever receives a child like this in his name receives him (Mark 9:36-37). Consistent with Jesus’ example, children are received as valued members of our community as a whole. The Gospel is transforming not only our lives, but the lives of the smallest too.
Mission Kids is more than childcare during our Sunday Gatherings; it is an opportunity to introduce our children to God’s story and to discipleship after Jesus. The curriculum and teaching are consistent with the preaching in our main gatherings and is intended to supplement, not replace, the parents' role in teaching and modeling discipleship at home. The staff at Mission Kids work together with parents to help each child grow in their understanding of God's story and to make much of Jesus wherever God leads them.
MissionKIDS currently offers 2 classes:
1) 2-3
2) 4 Through Kindergarden
For more information on MissionKIDS please email us at kids@missionbg.com