Jesus, Lead Pastor
"And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent." Colossians 1:18
Mission Church is under the authority of Jesus as our chief Shepherd. If Jesus is not leading, guiding, and empowering our church then we are going to fail. We pray that we will continue to submit to Him and His word as we move forward in advancing the gospel. This is truly our heartbeat as pastors and leaders are to remain under Him and never replace Him. May we be more concerned with His opinions and desires for our church than our own. May we make much of Jesus and not ourselves.
The scripture prescribes for churches to appoint qualified men to serve as Pastors (Elder is a synonym for the same role). These men are to serve the church through preaching, prayer, care, and equipping. Mission is an Elder lead church and is held accountable to these expectations by the scripture and our members. Though each pastor/elder has a specific area they are responsible for the pastors work as a team in leading and caring for our members.
Eric BakerTeaching Pastor |
Pastor Eric is the primary teaching pastor and responsible for the overall leadership and vision of the church. |
Justin CroweDiscipleship Pastor |
Pastor Justin is responsible for Missional Communities, MissionMEN, MissionWOMEN, and the overall strategy for discipleship. |
Todd CrosbyMissions Pastor |
Pastor Todd is responsible for the equipping of teams to share the gospel nationally and globally. |