King and Kingdom: The Great Divorce

April 17, 2016 Speaker: Eric Baker Series: King and Kingdom

Passage: Matthew 5:31–32


Read: Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:1-12, 1 Corinthians 7:8-16

Reflecting on Sunday’s sermon, The Great Divorce, was there anything that challenged, confused, or encouraged you? What was the major take away for you from God’s Word?

1.  Pastor Eric titled the sermon “The Great Divorce” and described that one of his aims was to expose the common separation between what God’s Word says and the practice of many professing believers. What other issues in our culture/christianity do you see this tension being illustrated? Why is this such a problem?

Read these blogs to help spark your thoughts and conversation:

2.  One way we looked at the word divorce on Sunday was the great divorce we see between what the Word of God says and what culture says. How does the culture view divorce differently than we should as followers of Jesus? How has the culture infiltrated the church as a whole on this topic?

3. Using scripture, how does marriage specifically represent the gospel, the church, etc.?

4. . What objections might you hear from someone when you tell them these views? How can you Biblically refute them?

5. Compare and contrast the idea of marriage in the Old Testament and New Testament. Does this show a contradiction? Why or why not?

6. Read Ephesians 5: 22-33, how is this a recipe for NOT getting a divorce? What are these commands given to both husband and wife contingent upon?

7. What are some practical ways we can make our marriages look more like the Biblical description and not the cultural one? (Singles...listen up)

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