Escaping Idolatry
October 23, 2022 Speaker: Justin Crowe Series: Fight The Drift: A Study of 1 Corinthians
Passage: 1 Corinthians 10:1–22
Missional Community Questions
1. Reread 1 Corinthians 10:1-22. If possible, listen to the sermon(s) again.
2. Looking back over this sermon and this sermon series, how has God convicted your heart, stirred your affections for Jesus, drawn you closer to Him? How has the Word challenged, confused, or made you ask questions?
3. How, if at all, did this weeks sermon change your view on idolatry and how it can still be an issue for Christians today? Why is it so easy to fabricate new idols in our hearts all the time?
4. The Israelites were constantly shown what their idols were after those things were taken away from them. How can Mission Church be a people who do not have to have things taken from us in order to identify our own idols and how to deal with them?
5. Has God identified any idols in your life either in the past or currently? How was he able to do so?
6. What things in your life have caused you to question God’s goodness and faithfulness? How did/can you return to trusting in God’s goodness and faithfulness even in your own life?
7. Does it change your ideas on how to deal with idols in your life when you can see that the command is not to flee from specific idols but it is to flee to Jesus and the worship of him alone?
More in Fight The Drift: A Study of 1 Corinthians
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